Deryugin Alexander N.

- Senior Researcher

Telephone number: (495) 629-47-13


  • M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Specialty 01.04.00 Physics;
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics, Specialty 08.00.00 Economic Sciences

Work Experience

  • 1997-1998: Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Leading Specialist
  • 1998-1999: Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of Department
  • 1999-2000: Representative Office of the Board of Regents of The University System of Georgia Foundation, Assistant Researcher
  • 2000-2003: NP Consulting Group on Budget Finance Development, renamed as NP Center for Fiscal Policy, Consulting Group, Consultant, Leading Consultant
  • 2003-2009: NP Center for Fiscal Policy, Consulting Group, Head of the Interbudgetary Relations Research Division, Deputy Director for Consulting Services - Head of the Interbudgetary Relations Research Division
  • 2009-2013: NP Center for Fiscal Policy, Consulting Group, Deputy Director General - Director of the Budget Policy Department
  • 2013-2015: Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Director of the Center for Regional Reforms Studies
  • 2016 - present: Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Budget Policy Studies
  • 2013 - present: Researcher at the Budget Policy Department of the Center for Macroeconomics and Finance, Ye. T. Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy

Professional Interests

  • Federal, regional and local budgets;
  • budget revenues and expenditures;
  • interbudgetary relations;
  • regional development;
  • budget policy;
  • state and municipal debt;
  • tax policy;
  • delineation of powers among levels of public authority;
  • federalism;
  • economic models of regions


  1. Regional Budgets in 2016 // Russian Economic Developments. 2017. No 12.?Pp. 61-65.
  2. Allocation of Block Transfers: the Experience of the USA, Australia and Canada / Co-authored by Deryugin A. N., Arlashkin I. Yu., Proka K. A., Ganagan A. S. // Financial Research Institute, Financial Journal. 2016. No 1(29). 9 pages.
  3. Recommendations for the Improvement of the Equalization Transfer System in the Russian Federation / Co-authored by Deryugin A. N. Arlashkin I. Yu., Proka K. A., Ganagan A. S. // Russian Entrepreneurship. 2016. Vol. 17. No 1. 10 pages.
  4. Regional Budgets: We Are Tightening Our Belts // Russian Economic Developments. 2015. Vol. 22. No 12. 4 pages.
  5. Regional Finances: Transfers Will Be Replaced by Budget Loans // Russian Economic Developments. 2015. Vol. 22. No 4. 3 pages.
  6. Regional Budgets: Debts Will Go Up by the End of the Year // Russian Economic Developments. 2015. Vol. 22. No 10. 4 pages.
  7. On the Challenges Associated with the Allocation of Interbudgetary Transfers to the Regions / Co-authored by Deryugin A. N., Arlashkin I. Yu., Ganagan A. S., Proka K. A. // Russian Entrepreneurship. 2015. Vol.16. No 24. 10 pages.
  8. The Formation of a Long-term Budget Forecast: The Regional Aspect / Co-authored by Deryugin A. N., Arlashkin I. Yu., Proka K. A. // Financial Research Institute. Financial Journal. 2015. No 3(25). 11 pages.
  9. The Legislative Challenges Associated with Equalizing the Budget Sufficiency of Municipal Formations // Financial Journal. 2014. No 2. 12 pages.
  10. The Formation of Consolidated Budgets of the Russian Federation's Subjects in a Medium-term Perspective: Challenges and Solutions / Co-authored by Deryugin A. N., Nazarov V. S., Mamedov A. A. // Financial Journal. 2014. No 3(21). 15 pages.
  11. The State Finance Risks of the CIS Member States in the Light of Current Global Instability / Co-authored by A. N. Deryugin, A. M. Anisimov, E. Yu. Vinokurova, E. S. Kurmanalieva, K. S. Fedorov, S. I. Shatalov, N. V. Golovanova, V. E. Grigorov, G. V. Kurlyandskaya. Eurasian Development Bank. St. Petersburg: 2012.
  12. Budget Policy of the Russian Federation's Subjects / Co-authored by A. N. Deryugin, Yu. V. Gerasimova, N. V. Golovanova, A. V. Matskevich, M. V. Mil'chakov, G. G. Pokatovich, R. S. Afanas'ev. Moscow: RANEPA. 2010.
  13. The Reserve Fund of a Subject of the Russian Federation // Budget. 2009. No 6.
  14. The Formation of the Revenue Base of Intercity Municipal Formations / Co-authored by Deryugin A. N., Litvintsev V. V. // Vestnik AKSOR [ Herald of the Association of Control and Audit Bodies of the Russian Federation]. No 4(6). 8 pages.
  15. Reforms of Federal Relations and Local Self-government: Results and Prospects. Moscow: Moscow State University. 2008. 10 pages.
  16. The Practice of Fiscal Federalism: Comparative Perspectives / Deryugin, A., Kurlyandskaya, G. // Montreal. Published for Forum of Federations = Forum des federations. 2007. 26 pages.
  17. The Applied Aspects of Implementing the Reform of Local Self-government and Interbudgetary Relations, As Shown by the Example of Stavropol Krai // Finance and Credit. 2005. No 6(174). 4 pages.
  18. The Specific Features of Russian Federalism // Emergency Stock Magazine. 2004.

Mass media publications

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