Competition in Russian industry in 2003-2009

The press service of the Gaidar Institute reports that in the series "Scientific Works" there was prepared a new Institute's research (№151) "Competition in Russian industry in 2003-2009" (M: Publishing house of the Gaidar Institute 2011, 136 p.). Author: S.V. Tsuhlo.

This work is a continuation of the research "The Competition in the Russian industry (1995-2002)", carried out and published by Gaidar Institute in 2003. Monitoring based on the results of enterprises' surveys allowed to trace the features of the development of competition in inter-crisis period of rapid growth of the Russian economy and to assess the effects of the acute phase of the crisis of 2008-2009 on the competitive relations in the Russian industry. New questions, which were entered in the questionnaire in 2003-2010, create preconditions for a more in-depth understanding of the processes of the competitions formation.

Monday, 18.07.2011