The Federal Press published the opinion of Alexei Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department of the Gaidar Institute on how to sell equities while trading was suspended on the Moscow Exchange.
During the current week, the Moscow Exchange stock market sector will not be working. This decision was made by the RF Central Bank.  Private investors were in disarray: they could neither buy nor sell securities. The mass media reports that trading may resume next week, but one should not take it on trust.
Alexei Vedev believes that trading on the Moscow Exchange may start if the geopolitical situation stabilizes. If not, a stock market crash will be inevitable.
“I think the Exchange will start working as soon as the geopolitical situation stabilizes. I support completely the Moscow Exchange’s decision because otherwise we will definitely see a stock market crash. Such a loss of money is unacceptable,” Alexei Vedev notes.  
How to sell assets? According to Alexei Vedev, the only way is to wait for the start of trading on the Moscow Exchange. Otherwise, investors following shady schemes will lock in huge losses.
“There are shady schemes, but they entail irretrievable losses for private investors.  Certainly, some financial companies may carry equities as an asset and so on, but I believe that these funds are frozen temporarily and one should just wait,” Alexei Vedev said. 
In his view, when trading in securities resumes on the Moscow Exchange one should not sell equities immediately, but wait until the situation stabilizes.
“Investor will lose money if they sell. I am absolutely sure that the situation will stabilize, but I do not know how soon. I advise just to wait,” Alexei Vedev summed it up.

Tuesday, 15.03.2022