16 July 2010
The report entitled “The experience of regional economic policies: from an anti-crisis policy towards a modernization policy?” was presented by Head of the Research Direction ‘Political Economy and Regional Development’, Candidate of Economic Sciences I. V. Starodubrovskaya and Head of the Department of Fiscal Federalism Candidate of Economic Sciences V.S. Nazarov. The opponents opening the discussion were Director of the Regional Program of the Independent Institute for Social Policy, Doctor of Geographic Sciences N.V. Zubarevich and General Director of the Center for Fiscal Policy, Candidate of Economic Sciences G.V. Kurliandskaya. Among the participants in the discussion were Director of the RF Government’s Department for State Administration, Regional Development and Local Self-Government M.G. Reshetnikov, Deputy Director of the OJSC ‘Interregional Analytical Center’ Yu.V. Simachev; First Pro-Rector of the SU-HSE L.I. Yakobson; and Academic Supervisor of the SU-HSE E.G. Yasin.
As it has already been announced, the name of the Institute for the Economy in Transition was changed into “Ye.T. Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy” (or “Ye.T. Gaidar IEP”, or “Gaidar Institute”).
In accordance with the Gaidar Institute’s Charter, its supreme administrative body is the Academic Board consisting of the Institute’s researchers and representatives of the scientific community. The Academic Board determines the priority directions for the Institute’s research activity.
The Academic Board elects a standing collegial administrative body from among its members – the Board of Directors (for 5 years). The Board of Directors’ area of competence includes the supervision of the Institute’s financial and economic activity and staff recruitment policy.
The Board of Directors, by its decision, appoints for a period of 2 years an Executive Director who reports to the Academic Board and the Board of Directors.
The Academic Board approves the composition of the Board of Guardians which operates as a body for supervision and control over the Institute’s activities.
The following persons were elected to the Institute’s Board of Directors: V.A. Mau, S.V. Prikhodko, A.D. Radygin, S.G. Sinelnikov-Murylev, A.V. Uliukaev.
The following persons became members of the Board of Guardians of the Ye.T. Gaidar IEP: G.O. Gref, A.L. Kudrin, and A.B. Chubais.
A.D. Radygin was elected Chairman of the Academic Board for the term of 2 years.
The Institute’s Executive Director is S.V. Prikhodko.