16-18.01.2018 – IX Gaidar Forum Russia and the World: Values and Virtues

On 16–18 January 2018, an international conference titled ‘Russia and the World: Values and Virtues’ was held in Moscow in the framework of the Gaidar Forum 2018.

The Gaidar Forum is one of the most significant international scientific events in the field of economics held annually in Russia. It is attended by lots of economics stars, Nobel laureates, the best professors and lecturers from leading colleges and universities (Harvard, Stanford, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, etc.), as well representatives of Russian and foreign political elites. The Forum has been held since 2010 in memory of Yegor Gaidar, a distinguished economic scientist and ideologist of the early 1990s reforms in Russia.

The program of the Gaidar Forum 2018 differed from that of the previous forums by being focused not only on burning economic issues, but also on social humanitarian and civic ones.

The Forum-2018 attracted 15.4 thousand participants, or about 1.5 times more than the previous one. On the whole, 650 speakers, including 12 foreigners, delivered their presentations at the Forum’s sessions. It should be noted that this time, most of the foreign experts have come not from the USA and Canada, but from Europe and China.

Gaidar Forum 2018: Day One
Gaidar Forum 2018: Day Two
Gaidar Forum 2018: Day Three (discussions participated by experts from the Gaidar Institute)



Monday, 22.01.2018