Development of methodology for analyzing and accounting for groups of enterprises in building the SNA sectoral accounts (BEA, April 2018 - May 2019)

In April 2018, Gaidar Institute experts commenced developing methodology for analyzing and accounting for groups of enterprises in building the SNA sectoral accounts under a contract with Bureau of Economic Analysis Found.

The project focused on the improvement of quality of statistical information related to the production account indicators in the Russian system of national accounts.

Goals achieved:

  •  Analysis of recommendations from international organizations on the analysis and accounting for groups of enterprises (legal entities) in building the SNA sector accounts.
  •  Study and generalization of the available experience of national statistical services in determining the composition and accounting for groups of enterprises (legal entities) in building the SNA sectoral accounts. Assessment of applicability of the IMF recommendations and experience of foreign statistical services on accounting for groups of enterprises (legal entities) in building the SNA sectoral accounts in the context of Russia.
  • Analysis and assessment of the sources of statistical information available in the Russian Federation, statistical observation forms and methods of data collection and processing required to account for groups of enterprises (legal entities) in building of the SNA sectoral accounts.
  •  Development of an algorithm for selecting groups of enterprises (legal entities) for their accounting in building of the SNA sectoral accounts on the basis of the Rosstat statistical register and other available Rosstat information.Development of methods for analyzing the available data on groups of enterprises (legal entities) and profiling these groups in order to form statistical units to meet the needs of national accounts on the basis of the Rosstat statistical register and other Rosstat information resources.
  •  Development of an algorithm for calculating sectoral indicators of the national accounts system considering groups of enterprises (legal entities) based on available Rosstat information.
  • Assessment of the impact of accounting (profiling) of groups of enterprises (legal entities) on the quality and values of national accounts sectoral indicators; definition of requirements to the forms of federal statistical observation, structural surveys and statistical register to ensure profiling and improve statistical information consistency.

  •  Ita Development of methodological recommendations on the analysis and accounting for groups of enterprises (legal entities) in building the SNA sectoral accounts.

The project was completed in May 2019.

Monday, 10.06.2019