Zolotareva Anna B.

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Leading Researcher

Phone number: (495) 629-47-13
E-mail: zolot@iep.ru


Moscow State Law Academy, Department “Science of Law”. Honors Diploma.

Professional Experience

  • 1994-1997 – Expert, Fractions “Choice of Russia” and “Our Home – Russia” at the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly
  • 1996-1997 - Moscow College of Advocates. Advocate
  • 1997-1999 - Institute for the Economy in Transition (IET). Research Fellow, from 01.01.1999 – Head of the Law Department

Professional interests

  • Budget
  • Tax
  • Financial law

Participation in Projects and Conferences

  • Participation in the team of experts from the IET for preparing the measures designed to restructure enterprises’ arrears of debt to the federal budget. The study was ordered by the RF Ministry of Finance. On the basis of the study’s findings, the draft Decree of the RF Government “On additional measures for restructuring the indebtedness of organizations in respect to their payments to the federal budget” was prepared.
  • Participation, from the IET, in "Prometee II", a joint project of the TACIS , the Administration of Kaliningrad Oblast and Kaliningrad State University, aimed at Kaliningrad Oblast’s development. Within the framework of participation in the project, the report “An analysis of federal and regional legislation, designed to regulate the socio-economic development of Kaliningrad Oblast” was prepared; the following documents were prepared and submitted for the consideration of the Kaliningrad Oblast Administration: draft laws “On local free economic zones in Kaliningrad Oblast” and the package of subordinate acts thereto, as well as the model draft law “On regulation of the investment activity in the territory of a subject of the RF”
  • Participation in the collective of authors for preparing the report “On improving the relations between the federal budget and the budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation”. Ordered by the RF Government Commission on Economic Reform.
  • Participation in studies on the socio-economic situation in the Republic of Gornyi Altai and the development of measures designed to overcome the crisis in the Republic, as part of the experts’ team from the IET, on an agreement with the Administration of the Republic of Gornyi Altai.
  • Participation in studies on the socio-economic situation in the Republic of Tuva, and the development of measures designed to overcome the crisis in the Republic, as part of the experts’ team from the IET, on an agreement with the Administration of the Republic of Tuva.
  • Participation, as an expert, in a joint task force of the RF Government, the Federation Council, the State Duma and the RF President’s Administration, for preparing the Concept of Reforming Budget Relations in the Russian Federation in the years 1999 - 2001
  • Participation in the group of authors from the IET for preparing a series of reports on the current status and trends of the development of RF budgetary legislation, ordered by the Moscow Bureau for Economic Analysis. The following reports were prepared: “Budget system of the RF”, “The methodology of preparing and organizing the approval of the federal budget in accordance with the principles stipulated in the Budgetary Code”, “The organization of budget execution and of the control of the implementation of budget legislation”.
  • Participation, as a member of the group from the IET, in the studies on the theme “A comprehensive analysis of the socio-economic and financial aspects of migration from the Northern regions of Russia”, conducted by the Interdepartmental Task Force of the RF Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and ordered by the World Bank.
  • Participation in the development of two reports within the framework of the agreement on cooperation between the IET and the US Agency for International Development: “General problems of tax administration in Russia”, “Improvement of the procedures of development, approval, execution and the control of execution of the state budget, and of the problem of the status of off-budget funds in the system of state finances”.
  • Delivery of a report at the international conference on the theme “New Frontiers. Strategic problems of the next phase of economic reforms in Russia”, held at the IET on June 30 – July 2, 1999, and also in the international conference on the problems of tax administration, held on June 3-5, 1999 at the Institute for Public Finances of the Republic of Croatia in Zagreb.
  • Development of the draft law “On the measures designed to regulate the debt obligations of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal formations, which correspond to the criteria of insolvency”, ordered by the RF Ministry of Finance.
  • Participation, as a member of the IET’s task force, in the project for reforming the financial system of the Russian regions (Perm Oblast and the Republic of Altai), ordered by the Know-How Foundation.
  • Preparation of proposals for improving Moscow City’s Budget legislation within the framework of the project of the IET and the “Moscow Alternative” Center, as part of the 1999 election campaign of the Mayor of Moscow.
  • Participation, as a member of the IET’s task force, in preparing the Section “Tax and Customs Reform” for the draft Plan of Action of the Government of the Russian Federation in the sphere of social policy and modernization of the economy for the years 2000 - 2001.
  • Development of the concept of improving the normative and legal base designed to regulate the procedure for effecting the purchases of commodities (works, services) for the state needs, within the framework of an agreement between the IET and the Rosavtodor implemented during the realization the project of the Government’s first-priority measures for the years 2000-2001, as part of implementing the Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the RF until the year 2010.
  • Participation in the IET’s task force for preparing the draft Concept of the State budgetary policy in respect to the RF Government's expenditures
  • Participation in developing Chapters 23 and 24 of the Tax Code (“Personal Income Tax”, “Social Tax”), the Federal Law «On the enactment of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and introducing amendments to some Russian Federation’s legislative acts concerning taxes", as a member of the RF Minfin’s task force headed by S. D. Shatalov.
  • Development of the new version of Part One of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, ordered by the Fraction “Union of Right Forces” of the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly
  • Participation in developing Chapter 25 of the Tax Code (Profit Tax On Organizations), as a member of the RF Minfin’s task force headed by S. D. Shatalov.
  • Preparation of drafts of the sections of the Concept of Improving the efficiency of State Expenditures in 2001-2003 and in the period until the year 2005 concerning the proposals for reorganizing the network of state institutions and enterprises. Ordered by the RF Ministry of Finance.
  • Participation in the task force headed by Deputy of the State Duma M. M. Zadornov for developing the draft law “On introducing amendments to the Budgetary Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the Federal Law “On non-commercial organizations”.
  • Participation, as an expert, in the task force on the issues of interbudgetary relations of the Commission (under the President of the  Russian Federation) for preparing proposals concerning the delimitation of the matters of jurisdiction and powers between the federal bodies of state authority, the bodies of state authority of subjects of the  Russian Federation, and the bodies of local self-government
  • Participation, as head legal adviser, in implementing the research project on the theme “Development of federal and regional legislation on interbudgetary relations and subnational finances, ordered by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Preparation, within the framework of the joint IET- CEPRA study project (Consortium for Economic Policy Research and Advice) on the theme “Improving the efficiency of budget expenditures on the financing of budgetary institutions and state unitary enterprises”, of reports on the following themes:  "An overview of prevailing legislation on interbudgetary relations” and “The legal aspects of non-payments in the Russian economy”
  • Participation in the task force for improving the system of purchases of commodities, works and services for state needs of the RF Ministry for Economic development and Trade
  • Participation in the IET’s tash force for developing the Concept of Reforming the Taxes Representing Revenue Sources for the Road Funds, ordered by the Russian Road Agency
  • Development of the draft law “On the Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation”
  • Preparation of reports on the themes: “Non-financed federal mandates”,  “State Social Imperative”, “Social Privileges and the Address Principle”, ordered by the Bureau for Economic Analysis
  • Participation in the IET’s group of authors, preparing the report “The problem of monopolism in road construction, the search for mechanisms to increase the openness of the road-construction services market”, ordered by the Russian Road Agency 
  • Participation in the IET’s task force, developing the draft federal law “On introducing amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation associated with the reform of the system of recruitment to the military organization”
  • Participation, with paper presentations, in the following scientific conferences: “Economic growth: After communism” on March 20-21, 2002, “Practical problems of implementing budgetary policy in the year 2003” on September 9-13, 2002, and “Discussion of the results of research conducted within the framework of the CEPRA: municipal administration and improvement of the efficiency of state expenditures” on November 25, 2002.


  1. S. Sinelnikov, S. Batkibekov, A. Zolotariova. «The legal and political aspects of budgetary policy in Russia”. Moscow. 1998. IET.
  2. Development of the financial market in Russia and the new instruments for attracting investments. Institute for the Economy in Transition. 1998.
  3. Some problems of tax administration”  
  4. "The role of the Government and Parliament in the budget policy being implemented in post-Soviet Russia".
    S. G. Sinelnikov-Murylev, A. B. Zolotariova. Moscow, 1998.
  5. Энтов Р.М., Улюкаев А.В., Юдин А.Д., Бажов Н.М., Золотарева А.Б., Серова Е.В. Банковский кризис: механизмы вызревания и развертывания кризисных процессов.  - Москва: ИЭПП, 1999.
  6. "Municipal finances in Russia’s budgetary system". Sinelnikov S., Zolotariova A., Trunin I., Tolmachiova I., Yudin A. (Zip 284 Kb)
  7. "The improvement of the procedures of development, approval, execution and control of the state budget execution, and the problems of the status of off-budget funds within the state finances system
  8. The long-term program of the development of the Republic of Altai" (co-authors: S. Drobyshevsky, S. Batkibekov, I. Trunin et al.), М.: IET, 2000
  9. The problems of Russia’s tax system: theory, experience, reform. V.1.- Moscow, The IET’s Scientific Works, 2000.
  10. С. Баткибеков, А. Золотарева. Реформирование системы налогообложения недвижимости в России. - Москва: ИЭПП, 2000.
  11. А.Золотарева, А.Шишков.  Общие проблемы администрирования налогов в России. - Москва: ИЭПП, 2000.
  12. Е. Шкребела, А. Золотарева. Реформирование системы налогообложения доходов предприятий. - Москва: ИЭПП, 2000.
  13. S. Drobyshevsky, A. Zolotariova, P. Kadochnikov, S. Sinelnikov. "The prospects of creating a stabilization fund in RF". - Moscow, the IET’s Scientific Works, 2001.
  14. A. Zolotariova, L. Lederman, O. Lugovoi, R. Entov. Non-payments in the Russian economy and regions. - Moscow, 2001.
  15. "Budget federalism in Russia: problems, theory, experience". Authors: I. Trunin, A. Zolotariova, S. Sinelnikov, S. Dnieprovskaia, S. Chetverikov, Ronald L. Watts, Paul Hobson, Robin Boadway.
  16. "The financial relations between the federal center and the Northern regions and their influence on the organized migration from the North". Authors: A. Zolotariova, O. Izriadnova, P. Kadochnikov, Ye. Kitova, A. Radygin, S. Sinelnikov, I. Trunin, T. Chizhelikova, S. Shatalov, A. Yudin, John Rayner и Shauna McLarnon. 
  17. "The legislative aspects of the budgetary system of Perm Oblast and the Republic of Altai".
  18. An analysis of Moscow legislation concerning the budgetary process and off-budget funds.
  19. Increasing the Efficiency of Budget Expenditure on Funding Public Institutions and Management Of Public Unitary Enterprises. Moscow, IET, 2003. (with Batkibekov S., Grebeshkova L., Dezhina I., Kitova E., Kostina E., Kuznetsova T., Rozhdestvenskaya I., Sinelnikov-Murylev S., Shishkin S., Kokorev А., Kuzyk M., Malginov G., Radygin А., Simachev Yu., Tatarinov А.)
  20. Analysis of budget arrears of debt in the Russian Federation. The ways of redemption and methods of preventing its occurrence. Moscow, IET, 2003. (with S. Batkibekov, A. Kireeva, O. Lougovoy, K. Nepesov, S. Sinelnikov, A. Ustinov, N. Chebotareva)
  21. Improvement of the system of purchases of commodities, works and services for state needs. Working Papers # 66. Moscow, IET, 2003.  Co-authors: Kopeikin B., Katamadze A.
  22. S. Drobyshevsky , A. Zolotareva, P. Kadochnikov, S. Sinelnikov-Mourylev "Prospects for establishing stabilization fund in Russia" // The economy in transition. A selection of papers. 1999–2002. Moscow, IET, 2003.
  23. R. Entov, A. Zolotareva, O. Lugovoi "Non-payments in the Russian economy and in the regions". //  Regional Economy (compilation of articles). Moscow, IET, 2003.